In the town of. The last regular meeting of the Business Council in the Materials and Technology sector was held in Jebel

In the town of. The last regular meeting of the Business Council in the Materials and Technology sector was held in Jebel

Apr 9, 2023

On 07.04.2023 at 14:00 in the town of. The last regular meeting of the Business Council in the sector of Materials and Technologies in the border districts of Blagoevgrad, Haskovo, Kardzhali and Smolyan was held in Jebel, as the activity is implemented under the project "Business Council - BC 6275" funded by the INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 Programme, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18/13.04.2021.

The meeting was attended by seven representatives of the sector from the border regions of Haskovo, Kardzhali, Blagoevgrad and Smolyan. The meeting room of Jebel Municipality was engaged. The room was technically equipped with multimedia, laptop, printer, microphone(s) and sound system, as well as information boards, banner and presentation materials according to the requirements of the Communication and Publicity Manual of the Interreg V/A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Programme. In addition, disinfectants as well as water, coffee and tea were provided to secure the coffee break of the event.

The moderator of the event welcomed all attendees and made a brief presentation of the BS Rules of Procedure in the Materials and Technology Sector. After that, a free discussion on questions from the BS members was started.

The topic of today's discussion was the impact that increasingly intensive mining operations are having on the environment. The logging industry in the area is well developed and employs a large number of people, but those present at the meeting were concerned about the negative impacts affecting the local environment.

In this regard, the representatives of the sector have ideas to initiate, together with the representatives of the local authorities, days in which to renovate the clearings in the territory of the district. The idea proposed by the participants was to regularly purchase saplings to be planted in place of felled trees.

A Councillor suggested that the above initiative should include representatives from the local authority as well as representatives from all social groups in the community. To spread and implement the idea, the members of the BS will rely heavily on the help of the local authorities.

The project management team "embraced" the idea of the attendees and undertook to introduce it to the representatives of the local authorities.