In the town of. Bansko held a regular meeting of the Business Council in the Waste Management Sector

In the town of. Bansko held a regular meeting of the Business Council in the Waste Management Sector

May 21, 2023

On 20.03.2023 in the town of Bansko was held a meeting of the Business Council in the sector of Waste Management in the border regions of Blagoevgrad, Haskovo, Kardzhali and Smolyan, as the activity is implemented under the project "Business Council - BC 6275" funded by the INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18/13.04.2021.

The meeting was attended by 5 representatives from the waste management sector from the border regions of Haskovo, Kardzhali, Blagoevgrad and Smolyan. The hall of Nadin Hotel in the town of Krasnodar was engaged. Bansko. It was technically equipped with: multimedia, laptop, printer, microphone(s) and sound system, as well as information boards, banner and presentation materials, according to the requirements of the Communication and Publicity Manual of the Interreg V/A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Programme. In addition, disinfectants as well as water, coffee, tea were provided to secure the coffee break of the event.

The moderator of the event welcomed all the attendees, gave a few minutes for the introduction of the new members, and then drew attention to the Rules of Procedure of the Business Council.

The open discussion began as attendees shared their frustration with tourists now outnumbering locals in the town year-round. Bansko. This is one of the main reasons why during the strong season of winter and summer the maintenance of the cleanliness of the settlement becomes more and more laborious.

Especially with the high temperatures in summer, waste problems are often noticed in more and more places.

The attendees shared their opinion that local authorities need to take a responsible approach in order to combat the problem by organising the following:

  • Increase the frequency of waste collection;
  • Placement of additional collection receptacles, including those for separate waste collection;
  • Raising the awareness of the population - local and tourists, through the preparation of brochures with advice on the proper recycling of non-hazardous household waste, as well as with appeals to dispose of all garbage in designated areas.

The project management team committed to make recommendations to the local authority for the organisation of the above events.