A regular meeting was held in the Agro-Food Sector

A regular meeting was held in the Agro-Food Sector

Nov 20, 2022

On 19.11.2022 in the town of. A regular meeting of the Business Council in the Agro-Food Sector was held on 19 2022 in Blagoevgrad. There were seven representatives of the sector from the border regions of Haskovo, Kardzhali, Blagoevgrad and Smolyan. The meeting room was technically equipped with multimedia, laptop, printer, as well as information boards, banner and presentation materials according to the requirements of the Communication and Publicity Manual of the Interreg V/A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 Programme. In addition, disinfectants as well as water, coffee and tea were provided to secure the coffee break of the event.

The discussion at this BS in the Agri-food sector has evolved in the direction of newly released studies, according to which there has been a consistent decline in farm productivity and therefore an increase in food imports from third countries to meet the food needs of Bulgarian consumers. In this sense, a decrease in productivity on the Bulgarian market would necessarily lead to higher prices and shortages of certain products on the market. In this case, the representatives of the sector have expressed their concerns about maintaining the profitability of their farms, which in turn would cause serious problems for the level of the production structure, but also for the stability of the social structure. In this case, the sector representatives hope that the responsible institutions will take measures to solve the problems in this area, including financial assistance for the modernisation of the enterprises (e.g. under projects with national and/or European funding).